Blog: FRAT Testing Results 11/9/18

Blog: FRAT Testing Results 11/9/18

Blog: FRAT Testing Results 11/9/18

Alright… Time to release a few more FRAT results.  Ive mixed it up this time.  We have some pre-finished flooring, raw oak flooring and vape juice.  You read that right.  I was asked to test vape juice for a client so I thought it would be extremely interesting for all of you to see the results as well.


Before getting to the results, lets me establish some ground rules for this feature of our website.

  1. I am NOT a chemist, nor am I a physician of any kind.  Results given are based on the FRAT system, without interpretation or medical advice.
  2. The FRAT system passively measures the amount of free formaldehyde releasing from a specific surface and does not discern between natural or synthetic sources.
  3. The FRAT system measures formaldehyde alone…nothing else.  Formaldehyde is a key trigger for folks with asthma, chemical sensitivities and other health concerns.
  4. Results are NOT skewed to hurt or help any manufacturer or supplier.
  5. Samples used for testing are provided by individual consumers, not a manufacturer or other business.  Therefore, we can only ASSUME that the samples have not been tainted.
  6. The FRAT system CAN used for YOUR samples, your home, etc.  Please contact for additional information.
  7. The safe level for formaldehyde is different for everyone, but we always strive for zero.  But, the commonly accepted safe level for indoor air in our homes is 40ppb.

Over the last 24 months, we have tested hundreds of building materials, homes, personal care products and household goods.   As I publish these results, we will begin to compile a searchable database (that our premium subscribers can access).


KAHRS Canvas Collection, Engineered flooring – 0 ppb (finished top side), 137 ppb (the unfinished tongue)

UNFINISHED Red Oak, 3.5″ x 3/4″ Tongue and Groove Flooring – 0 ppb



KILO E-Cigarrette Vape Fluid – 69 ppb (as an unburned liquid) and 1201 ppb as a vapor

This test was interesting.  I heated a steel bar and dripped a few droplets of the vape juice on it.  It immediately started to smoke.  I then placed a FRAT sensor on a shot glass, then covered the steel bar and the shot glass with a larger glass vessel to contain the vape smoke so it could do its work on the sensor.  I know how un-scientific this test is, but this was only a few drops of that oil.  Just imagine what its like inhaling this all day!


Please pass this along to family and friends!


Be well,




By | 2018-11-09T17:22:05-06:00 November 9th, 2018|Blog|

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